Yoga & Meditation


Yoga is an ancient practice with a rich history and many benefits for the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It can help reduce stress, improve posture, and increase strength and flexibility. With a regular yoga practice, you can improve your overall health and wellbeing. There are various styles of yoga, from the most gentle and restorative to the more challenging and invigorating. Each style has its own focus, from physical alignment and breathwork to meditation and mindfulness. No matter which style you choose, the benefits of yoga can help improve your overall physical health and mental well-being.

In addition to physical benefits, yoga can provide mental and emotional benefits as well. It can help reduce anxiety, stress, and depression while also helping you to cultivate a more positive outlook on life. The practice of yoga can also help foster self-awareness and the development of healthy habits, such as eating better and getting regular exercise. Yoga can also be a powerful tool for developing self-discipline, expanding your capacity to focus, and building greater resilience and determination. With regular practice, you can learn to better manage stress and cultivate greater peace and clarity.

No matter your experience level or goals, there is a style of yoga that can help you reach your personal objectives. Whether you’re looking for an invigorating workout or a gentle practice, there is a form of yoga that can help you achieve your desired results. With dedication and consistency, the physical and mental benefits of yoga can be experienced at any level. Try taking a few classes or even just practicing yoga on your own to experience its many benefits.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation is a practice of mindfulness and relaxation that can bring many mental, emotional and physical health benefits. It allows us to be in the present moment and become aware of the thoughts, feelings and sensations that arise in our body. Regular practice can help to reduce stress, increase focus and clarity, boost creativity, and improve overall well-being. In addition to providing physical health benefits, meditation can also be used as a tool for self-exploration and personal growth.

By taking time to observe our inner world, we can gain insight into our patterns of behavior and learn how to better manage our emotions. With consistent practice, we can create a greater sense of self-awareness and inner peace that can help us to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. Meditation can be practiced in a variety of ways, such as sitting or lying down in silence, repeating a mantra or visualization exercise, or listening to guided meditations. Whatever approach you choose, the goal is to be present and observe your thoughts without judgement.

As with any practice, there are many different options to explore in order to find the best approach that works for you. Start by setting a regular time and place for your meditation practice, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. As you become more comfortable with the process and observe the benefits, you may find yourself wanting to extend your meditation practice for longer periods of time.

Benefits of Yoga & Meditation

Yoga and meditation are two powerful practices that have been around for centuries, but the benefits they offer remain relevant today. Practicing yoga and meditation can both help reduce stress and improve overall physical health. Regular yoga practice increases flexibility, muscle strength, balance, and respiratory capacity while reducing the risk of injury. Meditation has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and even help with mental clarity. The relaxation techniques can also help you better manage stress and become more aware of your emotions. Research has also demonstrated that engaging in a regular practice of yoga and meditation can help reduce anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. All of these benefits can help you lead a happier, healthier life. With the growing body of evidence to support the positive effects of yoga and meditation, it is no surprise that more people are turning to these ancient practices for modern-day solutions.

What we offer

We provide special classes for those with specific needs, such as pregnant women and those of all ages. Our classes are designed to be a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.

Private Yoga Sessions

Private yoga sessions offer a unique opportunity to tailor the practice to your individual needs. With personalized instruction, you are able to focus on specific areas of your practice that require extra attention, whether it is mastering challenging poses or creating a mindful flow. Private sessions can also give you the space to explore different styles of yoga or delve into breath work and meditation techniques. With the guidance of an experienced teacher, you can create the perfect practice for your body and mind.

Yoga Classes

Yoga classes are an excellent way to improve health and wellbeing. Yoga classes can also provide a supportive environment where students can be encouraged to explore their own practice, develop self-awareness, mindfulness, and connect with others.

We offer a variety of classes suited to different levels and abilities. Our instructors develop tailored approaches to help students reach their goals.

Private Yoga Sessions 

Base price, add $10/person

Scheduled based on need

$ 65
$ 125

1 hr Yoga Classes

Price per person

Scheduled based on class dates

$ 55
$ 130
$ 15
1 month pkg
10 Class pkg
Drop in class

Bring a friend, you both get $5 off 10 class pkg.

Class Dates