BOTOX® & Injectables


Botox and Dermal Fillers are performed by a Registered Nurse who specializes in Neuromodulators and Dermal fillers.


We offer a variety of products to suite the needs of the patient. 


Consultations are always complementary.

Botox ® for cosmetic, health, and mental health.

What is Botox?

Botox is a neuromodulator approved by Health Canada for cosmetic and therapeutic treatments. It is derived from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. When injected into the muscles, Botox temporarily relaxes the muscles and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing a youthful appearance of the face.

For therapeutic use it is commonly used to treat chronic migraine headaches, Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), bruxism (teeth grinding), gummy smiles, and mental health.

Botox for Mental Health

Many people are often surprised to hear that Botox injections can be put to use in the realm of mental health, but scientific studies have shown that it actually has a considerable amount of potential for mitigating psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Botox for mental health works by ensuring that mood-regulating neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, are more readily available in the body than before due to how it blocks certain facial muscles that could otherwise lead to tension headaches or expressions like scowling, which is associated with degrees of distress and anger. Not only does this benefit a person’s wellbeing on its own, but recent research indicates that receiving a series of Botox treatments over time can also enhance their resilience to environmental stressors. If you’re looking for an alternative or complementary form of mental health treatment, it certainly doesn’t hurt to consider the benefits that Botox has to offer.

How long does Botox last?

For cosmetic, the effectiveness of Botox depends on the extent of the wrinkles and the strength of the muscle being treated, patients my need treatments three to four times in the first year. The treatments last between three to six months and lesser injections may be needed subsequently as the muscles adapt and relaxes. Since individuals respond differently, your practitioner is the best person to recommend the required number of treatments per year.

Being informed about possible risk and side effects with Botox

Occasionally individuals experience light bruising and a minor headache. These common side effects subside within a day or two. Few people could experience eyelid or eyebrow droop which also resolve in two to three weeks. Allergic reactions are very rare, and not commonly encountered. When a qualified and experienced health care practitioner administers the injections, most other problems are not seen.

   Botox® Post Treatment

Once treated with Botox®, the results are visible within 7 days and will take up to 14 days to see visible significant improvement. The results can last from 3-4 months. The health care practitioner may ask you to follow up to review the response to Botox® injections. Patients can resume their regular daily activities after treatment, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for 12 hours. This prevents the injections from migrating to an unintended area. Patients are also asked to not press or push on the treatment areas and are advised to remain upright for 4 hours.


  • Do not manipulate the treated area for 4 hours following treatment.
  • Do not receive facial/ laser treatments or microdermabrasion after Botox injections for at least 14 days.
  • Do not lie down for 4 hours after your Botox® treatment.
  • Do not perform activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 24 hours after treatment. This will keep the Botox in the injected area and not elsewhere.

Please do not hesitate to call our office should you have any questions or concerns regarding your Botox® treatment.

Consultations are always complementary

Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers or injectables are a non-invasive procedure and are excellent options for men and women who want to restore volume loss in their face as a result of ageing and achieve a youthful appearance. There is very little discomfort or downtime associated with Dermal fillers. Dermal fillers add volume, smooth out wrinkles, and improve the overall appearance of the skin. There are a variety of different types of dermal fillers on the market, each designed for specific purposes. Used in conjunction with Botox the appearance of fine lines of aging are reduced and a more youthful appearance is achieved.

 What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers are composed of Hyaluronic Acid. This is a naturally occurring sugar molecule found in the body. There are many kinds of dermal fillers used to address different concerns and areas of the face. Derma fillers are used to restore the volume loss that is associated with aging.

How do Dermal Fillers work?

As we age, our skin loses its firm, taut quality as we naturally produce less hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin. Dermal fillers are injected and restore volume loss and create a softening of lines and folds. Our advanced medical aesthetic injector will work with you to understand the cause of your concern and build a custom treatment plan to achieve your aesthetic goal.

The effects of fillers are quite long lasting, especially with maintenance treatments and can last for approximately 6-18 months.

What to Expect During and After an Appointment

Before your treatment, it is recommended to stop taking over-the-counter medications like Advil, aspirin, alcohol, some vitamins, and supplements 2 days before your injections to minimize bruising. There is minimal to no downtime after being treated with filler. The procedure can take approximately 30 minutes depending on the areas being treated.

Depending on the scope of your tailored treatment, you can expect to see results immediately that will improve over following 3-4 weeks. Patients may find they require multiple treatments to achieve their desired result, while others may need less intervention and require minimal treatments to maintain their appearance.

Being informed about possible risk and side effects with Dermal Fillers

Patients may notice slight swelling and bruising at the treatment site. These side effects usually disappear within the first week after treatment. Patients can resume most activities immediately. Your health care practitioner will review all the rare potential side effects at your complimentary initial consultation.

  Dermal Fillers Post Treatment


  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to treatment (alcohol may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising)
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, if possible, for a period of 2 weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as aspirin, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.
  • Schedule your Dermal Filler and Botox appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event as bruising and swelling may be apparent for a few days after treatment.
  • Ask about taking anti-viral medication before your appointment to prevent cold sores.
  • Discontinue Retin-A 2 days before and 2 days following your treatment.
  • Reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you have a rash, cold sore or blemish on the area.
  • Reschedule your appointment for Dermal filler if you have had a viral illness, have taken antibiotics, or have had any kind of dental procedures in the previous two weeks.
  • Be sure to have a good breakfast, including food and drink before your procedure. This will decrease the chances of light-headedness during your treatment.


  • Avoid significant movement or massage of the treated area.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
  • Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.
  • Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excess swelling.
  • If you have swelling, you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour.
  • Use Tylenol for discomfort.
  • Try to sleep face up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.

Please do not hesitate to call our office should you have any questions or concerns regarding your Dermal Filler treatment.

Consultations are always complementary.

A bit about our RN

Angela Masse BScN, RN


At Wholistic Health and Wellness Cosmetic injectables are performed by Angela Masse, BScN, RN who specializes in Neuromodulators and Dermal fillers.


$ 23 $ 9 .00
per unit
  • BOTOX®
  • Nuceiva
  • Xeomin
  • Dysport

Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

$ 299 .00
per 0.5ml
$ 23 $ 525 .00
per 1ml

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Health & Wellness through Wholism