Our Team

A bit about us

We are a team of dedicated professionals who strive to provide high-quality services and products to our clients. Our team is made up of experts in their respective fields. We value Wholism, collaboration, creativity, and excellence in everything we do. Our goal is to help our clients achieve success by providing them with the tools and resources necessary for success.

Alexandra Dermansky  MSW, BSW, PSY, RSW

Populations: Children 2-12, offering individual, family/parenting, and group

Angela Masse  BScN, RN, Psychotherapy

Populations: Adolescents 12+, Adults, offering individual, family/parenting

Jeff Turnbull BSW, DSW, RSW

Populations: Adolescents 12+, Adults, offering individual, family/parenting, and group

Mira Pisciotto B.A (C.Psy), CLS

Populations: Children 2-12, offering individual, family/parenting, and group

Amanda Desjardins  MSW, BSW, RSW

Populations: Children 3-12, offering individual, family/parenting, and group

Alexia Abbruzzese  BScH (MFB), RP